Funding Opportunity “Building the Future of Ukraine Logistics and Export”

01 March 2024

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) announces Funding Opportunity “Building the Future of Ukraine Logistics and Export”. 

The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to solicit applications for grants funding to support two critical objectives of Ukraine’s economic recovery: 1) agricultural export and logistics capacity, with a focus on grain trade; and 2) improving Ukraine’s export infrastructure, technology and processes along its western borders.  

USAID ERA is seeking partners among

  • agri-logistics firms and equipment manufacturers,
  • market analytic agencies,
  • business event organizers,
  • NGOs,
  • consulting firms,
  • training service providers,
  • government entities,
  • research and educational institutions.

  This partnership should lead to:  

  1. improved agri-logistics companies` knowledge of international best practices on grain trade, sales, and marketing, develop and improved export sales to new markets (e.g., EU, North Africa); 
  2. co-funding high-demand agri-logistics equipment; 
  3. upskilled and improved agri-logistics staff competency on use of equipment for grain export; 
  4. improved the process in BCPs, which leads to improving export capacity; 
  5. improved cross-border collaboration between Ukrainian customs and bordering customs officers in EU and Moldova. 

Detailed information and terms of application can be found by following the link:

We also invite you to participate in one of the online conferences where potential applicants may ask questions and obtain detailed information about the application process. 

USAID ERA staff will hold two online conferences:

  • March 13, 2024, at 15 pm. To participate, please register using this link. 
  • May 24, 2024, at 11 am. To participate, please register using this link. 

All registered participants will receive a link to the event via the email provided during registration.