Construction Industry Has Potential to Rebuild Ukraine

23 June 2023

Study finds that 90% of construction materials for rebuilding Ukraine can be produced by Ukrainian construction companies. Despite the war and the destruction of some enterprises, and the lack of human resources, the Ukraine construction industry has retained its potential.

A study conducted by specialists of the non-governmental organization “Institute of International Economic Research” and the state enterprise “UkrPromZovnishEkspertyza”, with the assistance of the USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), shows that for rebuilding Ukraine, it is necessary to produce construction materials worth USD 62 billion. The study further found that 90% of these materials can be produced by Ukrainian companies. This will make it possible to save jobs, pay wages to workers, and for Ukraine to support its budget with taxes.

If these volumes of construction materials are produced in Ukraine, its economy will receive significant support. About 100,000 jobs will be saved, USD 5.6 billion will be generated as wages, and USD 4.4 billion in tax revenue will be received. Ukraine will need less donor aid, and the total cost of recovery will be lower due to the (lower) prices of Ukrainian-made construction materials.

The USAID Economic Resilience Activity is making efforts to draw the attention of the international community, the financial sector, and donors, to the potential of the Ukrainian construction industry.

Let’s rebuild Ukraine together!