USAID ERA signs subcontract with Miyamoto International in a partnership to upgrade Ukraine’s border crossing points 

Modernization of the BCPs
06 December 2023

On November 21, DAI Global LLC, implementer of the USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), signed a subcontract with the U.S.-licensed global architecture and engineering (A&E) company Miyamoto International, Inc. to improve the transport logistics infrastructure and modernize Ukraine’s border crossing points. 

Miyamoto, which has an engineering team of about 128 professionals located in their Ukraine office, will provide design and quality assurance for ERA’s construction work to improve Ukrainian border crossing points (BCP). 

“The modernization of Ukraine’s border crossing points holds great significance in the face of the logistics challenges facing Ukraine’s grain exports. Miyamoto brings years of experience, necessary expertise, and professionals here in Ukraine, and I am confident that our collaboration will be successful and yield meaningful results that will not only enhance Ukraine’s economic development but also support global food security”, says Timothy Madigan, ERA’s Chief of Party. 

Within the framework of the signed contract, Miyamoto will complete the feasibility, Technical Economic Justification, pre-design documentation for designing new cargo terminals, and pre-design and post-design services as needed for the nine high-priority BCPs being supported under ERA in western Ukraine. 

“For the economic development of the country, especially now, when the country is at war, the opportunity for export is extremely important, and as a result, the inflow of currency. Therefore, we, the Miyamoto Ukraine team, consciously acknowledge the existing challenges in export logistics and will do everything in our power to achieve successful implementation of the border crossing points modernization activity. In the Miyamoto Ukraine team are highly qualified engineers work, so we are confident that we will propose new and effective solutions and proudly execute this important project for Ukraine,” says Pavlo Pokhalchuk, General Director of Miyamoto International Ukraine says , emphasizing the significance of upgrading border crossing points in Ukraine. 

Miyamoto International has official representation in 27 countries worldwide. The company has 20 years of experience gained globally, including in the United States, Japan, Mexico, Afghanistan, and Indonesia, which will be valuable in the modernization of transport and logistics infrastructure at Ukraine’s BCPs within the cooperation with USAID ERA. 

In Ukraine, Miyamoto International Ukraine began its operations in September 2022. Since then, specialists from Miyamoto International Ukraine have: 

  • Conducted inspections and assessed the scale of destruction of more than 30,000 ruined objects. 
  • Participated in joint projects with international charitable organizations to rebuild more than 5,000 objects and continue work in seven regions of Ukraine (Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson, Chernihiv). 
  • Inspected over 100 educational institutions where work on shelter arrangements and building restoration has started, is ongoing, or has been completed. 

Miyamoto International Ukraine has also initiated active collaboration with the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine, as well as regional and military administrations in various parts of the country. 

Currently, the engineers of Miyamoto International Ukraine are engaged in the reconstruction of Ukrainian cities and towns that have suffered from Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine. 

Background: USAID, through the Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), is upgrading Ukraine’s border crossing points (BCPs) with Poland, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, and Slovakia to improve grain export logistics. Between 2023-2026, USAID, through the Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), is dedicating $115 million to support the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine (SARDI), Ukrainian Railways (UZ), and State Customs Services, to upgrade border crossing points (BCPs) to improve grain trade and export volumes.  

USAID ERA is working on improving Ukraine’s border crossing points

Modernization of the BCPs
28 November 2023

USAID, through the Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), has delivered three 1-ton scales and 312 water filled road barriers, as well as installed 452 road signs, at four border crossing points (BCPs) on the borders with Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary. 

The delivered equipment is part of the rapid modernization of the BCPs, and is aimed at increasing the operational efficiency of the BCPs to improve cargo transportation logistics, thereby increasing trade volumes, grain exports, and overall transportation flows. 


Next, USAID ERA will install 30 recycling trash bins (waste sorting containers) at one of the BCPs in a move towards fostering environmental responsibility and resource recovery, in alignment with established practices in Europe. 

Between 2023-2026, USAID, through the Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), is dedicating $115 million to support the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine (SARDI), Ukrainian Railways (UZ), and State Customs Services, to upgrade border crossing points (BCPs) to improve grain trade and export volumes, and passenger traffic.     

Modernization of the Border Crossing Points

USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) work on Border Crossing Points (BCPs)

Updated: January 9, 2025

Between 2023 and 2026, USAID, through Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), is dedicating $115 million to support the Government of Ukraine. This support includes the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the State Customs Service, and Ukrainian Railways to upgrade 42 of Ukraine’s border crossing points (BCPs).
ERA is working closely with partners in the Ukrainian government, the World Bank, and the European Union’s Cohesion Fund – Connecting Europe Facility to implement these improvements. To date, ERA has delivered $2 million in rapid upgrades and equipment at 29 BCPs and procured an additional $15 million that is not yet fully delivered. This included prefabricated buildings, lighting, and information and communication technologies equipment for cargo processing to improve export volumes. The design process for major construction is underway at all priority BCPs.

ERA is Providing:

  • Rapid upgrades, including: (1) prefabricated structures (prefabs), traffic tools, trash bins, signs, and commodity scales; and (2) civil engineering works, including: pavement and road marking, painting, and curb repair.
  • Equipment, including handheld backscatters, vehicle dynamic scales, mobile scanners, and a traffic management system (at Yahodyn road BCP as a pilot).
  • Architecture and Engineering design services, including feasibility studies, review of existing designs, and new designs, and construction site supervision.
  • Major construction works, including re/construction of new buildings and terminals, major changes to roadwork to improve traffic capacity, and designs for installation of major equipment procurements.


Timothy Madigan, ERA Chief of Party,

Cameron Berkuti, ERA Border Crossing Point (BCP) Director,

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