USAID ERA evaluated nearly 50% of Ukraine’s priority border crossing points

Modernization of the BCPs
03 January 2024

USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) is modernizing Ukraine’s border crossing points (BCPs) with Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, and Romania, to improve efficiency, accessibility, and the capacity of logistics for cargo export and strengthen trust in standards and processes. 

In December 2023, a team from USAID ERA and contractors from Green Powered Technology and CDM Engineering conducted a comprehensive visit to 7 of the 42 priority BCPs in the Odesa and Chernivtsi regions. With this visit, ERA has now assessed 20 of the 42 Ukrainian road, rail, and port BCPs, constituting 48% of the priority BCPs targeted for upgrade. 

During the visits, the team identified and assessed the conditions of the BCPs in order to develop the scope of work, budgets, technical specifications, and implementation plans for the work to be done at the various BCPs. The goal is also to determine the main design works that need to be carried out to begin improving the operation of these BCPs. A rapid upgrade has also been planned, which has already begun with installing signs, barricades, and lighting at four priority BCPs.  

USAID ERA contractor, CDM Engineering Ukraine, was established in 2013 to provide high-quality engineering and environmental consulting services that meet international best practices. The company offers a full range of project management services, such as design, procurement, technical supervision, and quality control from the start of work to commissioning. 

Green Powered Technology is an international consulting firm in the energy, engineering, and development assistance sectors. It was founded in 2010 with the mission of promoting the development of sustainable, innovative energy and engineering solutions worldwide. They pioneer green energy and provide sustainable, cost-effective energy solutions for government and commercial projects. 

Background: Between 2023-2026, USAID, through the Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), is dedicating $115 million to support the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine (SARDI), Ukrainian Railways (UZ), and State Customs Services, to upgrade border crossing points (BCPs) to improve grain trade and export volumes.