Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian national university builds partnerships with susinesses 

26 January 2024

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (EUNU) raises the quality of higher education by partnering with leading Ukrainian agricultural companies such as PrJSC MHP, a large grain producer and meat processor. EUNU is one of 5 relocated educational institutions supported by USAID Economic Resilience Activity (USAID ERA).  

“EUNU lost almost 100% of contacts with employers since most of them were also located in Luhansk Oblast. Now, the university seeks to reengage with relocated companies, and look for new partners in Kyiv and in Kyiv Oblast” says Serhiy Kudriavtsev, the Dean of Engineering Faculty of EUNU. “Collaboration between MHP and EUNU seems mutually beneficial.” 

January 17, USAID ERA supported a regular meeting between EUNU and the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club Association. Lecturers of Engineering Faculty and Informational Technologies Faculty of EUNU learned about MHP’s production facilities and the Energy Department and External Electricity Supply Network Maintenance Service operations. In return, the EUNU team made a presentation of its future laboratories. USAID ERA will support these facilities under the grant program “Modern Skills for Information Technologies, Engineering and Energy Sectors of Ukraine” by providing computers and other equipment to enable continued education during the war.  

Future collaboration is expected between EUNU and MHP in the form of working groups, potential professional training in laboratories, and future visits.