Request for Proposal | Procurement of dynamic scales for rail tracks (Weight in Motion System)

27 June 2024

DAI, implementer of the USAID Economic Resilience Activity in Ukraine, invites qualified local vendors to submit quotations for the Procurement of dynamic scales for rail tracks (Weight in Motion System).

Please see details: RFP REQ-KYV-24-0176- Dynamic scales

Attachment A.1 Attachment А.1 to REQ-KYV-24-0176 – Dynamic Scales

Attachment A.2 Attachment A.2 to REQ-KYV-24-0176 – Dynamic Scales

Amendment 1 RFP REQ-KYV-24-0176

Amendment 2 RFP REQ-KYV-24-0176_ approved

Please take note of these important dates and email addresses:

RFP Release Date: June 27, 2024
Pre-Proposal bidders’ conference: An online pre-proposal bidders’ conference will be held on July 5, 2024, at 12:00 pm, Kyiv, Ukraine Time, to be held online in Teams. Please send to e-mails and company name of online conference participants by July 3, 2024 by 4:00 pm, Kyiv, Ukraine Time.

Information of interest to all prospective Offerors will be presented. While attendance at the pre-proposal conference is not mandatory, all interested prospective suppliers are encouraged to attend in order to prepare acceptable proposals. Questions asked at the Pre-Proposal Bidder’s Conference, that would benefit all bidders, shall be provided in an amendment to the RFP.

Site Visit by Bidders:
The site visits will take place within 10 working days after the online conference. All sites must be visited within two working weeks. The schedule and sequence of visits to particular sites will be agreed upon with the tender participants during the online conference.

Lot 1 – A Site Visit by Bidders is scheduled at the rail station Mostyska II at the address: 81320, Lviv Oblast, Yavorivskyi Rayon, Mostyska Drugi village, Depovska street 10a

Lot 2 – A Site Visit by Bidders is at the railway station Chop at the address: 89502, Zakarpattia Oblast, Chop city, Bereg street 93

Lot 3 – A Site Visit by Bidders is scheduled at the railway station Vadul-Siret at the address: 60444, Chernivtsi Oblast, Chernivtsi Rayon, Cherepkivtsi village, Pryvokzalna street 4

Lot 4 – A Site Visit by Bidders is scheduled at the railway station Yahodyn at the address: 44350, Volyn Oblast, Kovel Rayon, Rymachi village, (Yahodyn railway station

There is a two-person limit per organization.

To visit the sites, the Bidder shall provide a list of its representatives with the position and name of the company and a copy of their passports no later than two working days after the conference.

Deadline for Receipt of Questions: August 06, 2024, no later than 4:00 pm, Kyiv, Ukraine Time to the email address All questions will be collected and replies to them will be sent via email to tender participants.


Deadline for receipt of Proposals: September 10, 2024 no later than 5:30 pm Kyiv, Ukraine Time to the email address:

The submission deadline has been extended from August 20th to September 10. We hope this extension allows you ample time to prepare your proposals thoroughly;